By the end of the week at Ukarumpa Center, both Justin and Tammy had been given several bilums (traditional woven bags) by our friends and Steve gave Justin his bow and some arrows. It was a blessing for us to see our national friends embrace our brother and sister as family.

During the month of October, tensions between Ukarumpa village and Ukarumpa Center rose dramatically. At the center of these tensions was Jacob's water project. During the past few weeks, there have been altercations between the Ukarumpa villagers and our guards, unreasonable demands from Ukarumpa villagers towards our leadership, and threats to the Construction Department and personally to Jacob, as he is the lead man on the water project.
Threats are a part of living and working in Papua New Guinea. While living in PNG, Jacob has had his shoes and watch stolen by a man threatening him with a knife. Once a man threw his sweet potato and hit Jacob squarely in the kidney while Jacob drove past on the Construction three-wheeler. When Jacob stopped and hollered at the man, the man charged and threatened Jacob. Threats are not new to Ukarumpa Center nor are they new to Jacob. However, as this situation with Ukarumpa village became more tense, the threats towards Jacob were repeated They became more aggressive and they were directly from the leadership of Ukarumpa village. It is for this reason that Jacob made the difficult decision that our time at Ukarumpa Center was over.

Our early departure meant that Kim had to leave her classes mid-semester. This was a very difficult thing for her to do as she really enjoyed her time teaching at Ukarumpa International School and had developed many close relationships with the students and her fellow teachers.
Walking away from the water project was also very difficult for Jacob. But the Lord used our leaving to bring about something good. The afternoon of the day Jacob stopped working, the Directorate called for all able-bodied men, women, and children to go down to the water project and finish it. This was in direct defiance of Ukarumpa village, and it sent a powerful message to them that we were not going to be bullied anymore. Plus, the remaining work that would have taken Jacob and his men weeks to complete was done in three days. In addition, the water project, which up until now had been taking place without anyone's noticing, suddenly became the rallying cry for the entire community. We were blessed by the outpouring of community support for the water project and for us as we prepared to leave.
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord that the water project was completed prior to our departure.
- Praise the Lord we have arrived safely in Cairns.
- Please pray for us as we adjust back to Western Civilization (i.e. no bars on windows, the ability to go out safely at night, modern conveniences, etc).
- Please pray for us as we are looking for a way to serve with Wycliffe in Australia to finish our 1-year term.
Saying good-bye to good friends.........