Monday, December 13, 2010

Brotzler's Picture of the week - Dec. 12, 2010

We have been continually amazed by the blessings we have received since we left PNG.  One of the most recent was a private concert that was put on here at Kangaroo Grounds by the Sons of Korah for the Wycliffe Australia Christmas Party.   The Sons of Korah is Jacob's favorite band, but we had no idea that they were based out of Melbourne.  We enjoyed a few songs followed by lunch with the members of the band.  That same evening the Sons of Korah held a concert at one of the local churches and we were able to attend.

Jacob and Kim

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Brotzlers' photo of the week - Dec. 5th

This last weekend a Wycliffe friend took us to a zoo with purely Australian animals.  We saw everything from Tasmanian Devils to Emus to Koalas to Goannas ( kind of like iguannas) to kangaroos.....and the list could go on.  One of the highlights of the day was feeding the kangaroos.  Thus today's photo of the week is Kim feeding a kangaroo.  Enjoy  :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November 29th picture of the week

Hi Everyone,

This week's picture of the week is a picture of Jacob's friend Bakeid.  When we checked our email today there was a picture message sent from a Digicel Phone (Digicel is PNG's cell phone company and you would be amazed how remote some of the places you see people talking on Digicel phones are).  A day before we left PNG Bakeid brought us each some home made hats, similar to the one he is wearing in the picture, and Jacob gave Bakeid our email address as well as our mailing address.  Like most Papua New Guineans, Bakeid lives in a village, he does not own a computer, and he does not have a mailing address, so as with all of our other PNG friends who live in villages, we were resigned to the fact that we would lose touch with Bakeid when we left PNG.  It appears however, that we under estimated the power of Digicel.  

Jacob and Kim